Policies and Procedures

All policies and procedures are updated annually or when new legislation is released to ensure they are relevant and up to date.

A full list of policies are available at both settings for parents to see.

10_1bPrivacy_Notice_NEW_April_2018 (2).d[...]
Microsoft Word document [115.0 KB]
1.2 Safeguarding Children and Child Prot[...]
Microsoft Word document [207.0 KB]
1.4 Uncollected Child.doc
Microsoft Word document [126.5 KB]
1.6 Use of Mobile Phones and Cameras.doc
Microsoft Word document [117.5 KB]
1.7 Whistle Blowing Policy.doc
Microsoft Word document [119.0 KB]
10.2 Admissions.doc
Microsoft Word document [116.5 KB]
6.1 Administering Medicines.doc
Microsoft Word document [141.5 KB]
10.3 Fees.doc
Microsoft Word document [132.0 KB]
10.8 Confidentiality and Client Access t[...]
Microsoft Word document [124.5 KB]
7.1 Promoting Positive Behaviour.doc
Microsoft Word document [131.5 KB]
8.5 Fire Safety and Emergency Evacuation[...]
Microsoft Word document [120.0 KB]
9.2 Supporting Children with Special Edu[...]
Microsoft Word document [116.5 KB]




Our journey so far.......


Phase Five Pre School has continued to stay open from April 2020 for keyworker children and vulnerable children with children returning gradually on reduced hours since June.

From September 2020 we have been able to open to all children for fully funded sessions, this is down to the children, parents, and staff following our staying safe procedures.


Increased hand washing for staff and children will continue as well as extra cleaning of resources at the end of every day
Please do not send your child to preschool if they display symptoms or anyone else in the household is self-isolating due to covid 19
We will continue to provide a stimulating environment as much as possible with enhanced safety precaution to keep everyone safe.
We continue to follow government guidance:


Please find below our policies and procedures as well as additional risk assessments put in place.




Parent Letter family testing FINAL 2 25 [...]
Microsoft Word document [8.8 MB]
6 COVID19.doc
Microsoft Word document [153.0 KB]
amendments policies.docx
Microsoft Word document [72.7 KB]
covid clean.docx
Microsoft Word document [19.7 KB]
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© Phase Five Pre-School