Your Child's Day at Pre-School


Settling In Procedure

We want children to feel safe, stimulated and happy in our Pre-School and to feel secure and comfortable with staff.  We also want parents/carers to have confidence in both their children’s well-being and in their role as active partners within our Pre-School.


We aim to make our Pre-School a welcoming place where children settle quickly and easily.  To make sure this is the case, before your child starts Pre-School the staff will work with you to decide on how to help your child settle into our Pre-School.


For all parents/carers of children who are just joining our Pre-School we invite them to an Open Evening, this is a chance for the parents to meet with all Pre-School’s staff and see the Pre-school without their children.  During the term before a child starts Pre-School we provide opportunities for the child and their parents/carers to visit.


We hope that you and your child enjoy being members of Phase Five Pre-School and that you both find taking part in our activities interesting and stimulating.  Our staff are always ready and willing to talk with you about your ideas, views or questions.


Starting Pre-School

The First Days

A child who is tense or unhappy will not be able to play or learn properly, so it is important for parents/carers and Pre-School staff to work together to help the child feel confident and secure in the group.  This takes longer for some children than for others and parents/carers should not feel worried if their child takes a while to settle.

We provide a first day form to share with the parents which provides details of what their child has played with, what they had at snack time, if they needed help with anything and who they bonded with including by staff and children.


What to Wear

Your child will get dirty at Pre-School!

In order to feel free to explore and experiment with all kinds of materials, including messy ones, it is best to send children dressed in clothes which are easily washable and not too new.


It is good for children to practice the skills which will make them independent.  Simple clothing which they can handle themselves will enable them to go to the toilet when they want to and to put on and take off their outdoor clothes without being too dependent on other peoples help.  For example leggings for girls and elasticated trousers for the boys with no belts.


Please dress your child appropriately for both indoor and outdoor play, play can take place outside in a variety of weather and therefore please make sure they have sensible shoes (not flip flops, crocs), coat, hat etc.  We ask you to make sure your child’s shoulders are covered and wear cotton tops etc especially during the hotter weather.


It gets chilly in the Pre-School please make sure your child has suitable clothing on; plenty of layers is best.  As you will appreciate the children spend a lot of time outside; if it is cold please make sure they come to pre-school with coats, hats and gloves etc.


It is helpful if clothing is labelled with your child’s name, including shoes and socks as these have been known to be taken off and swopped with their friends!


We provide protective clothing for the children when they play with messy activities and we also have waterproof trousers, jackets and wellies for outside play, however your child’s clothes may still get dirty.

Phase Five has a non-compulsory uniform that consists of a blue T Shirts, Sweat Shirts and Navy Blue fleece, each of which is embroidered with the Phase Five Pre-School logo.  These are priced as follows:-

  • T Shirt               £6.00
  • Sweat Shirt       £9.00
  • Fleece               £12.00

If you would like to order any uniform, please complete a Uniform Request Form (PDF below). If you wish to view the uniform before purchase please ask the Pre-School administrator she will be happy to help.


Communication Folders

At Phase Five Pre-School @ Kelston Close there are communication drawers in the lobby with your child’s names on.  These are for us to pass any information e.g. newsletters, invoices and letters.  Please ensure you check them daily.  These can also be used by other parents for party invitations, greeting cards etc.


Book Bags and Communication Books

At Phase Five Pre-School @ Abbotswood every child has a folder and a communication book if requested.  The folder is used to pass any information to you e.g. newsletters, invoices and letters etc.  The requested communication book is completed at every session; this gives you the parents an idea of what the children have done that day, when their nappy was changed and what they had for snack.  We will also use the book to pass messages from both ourselves and the parents, for example needing more nappies.


Toilet Training

We do not expect children to be “dry” to attend Phase Five Pre-School and we will discuss your child’s needs on a one to one basis.


If your child attends our Abbotswood site, we ask you on your child’s first day or sooner, to provide us with a supply of nappies, wipes, sacks and nappy cream, this is then retained within your child’s bag within the toilet area.  We will advise you if we are running low on any supplies via your child’s communication book.


If your child attends our Kelston Close site we ask you to provide your child with a bag of nappies, wipes, and sacks when they attend.


We have a small supply of changes of clothes, in case of any accidents, although we prefer you to provide us with at least one change of clothes within your child’s bags.


Comforters and Dummies

If your child attends our Abbotswood site; they can bring in with them any of their special toys, comforters and/or dummies.  We will not take these off your child, although once they are settled and playing happily we will encourage them to put them away within their book bag.


We ask that if your child attends our Kelston Close site they leave their comforters and/or dummies if they have, at home.


Daily Routines

Kelston Close

  • 8.50am - Staff huddle
  • 9:00 - 9:30am - Children arrive and self registration
  • 9:30am - Circle time -  register, show and tell
  • Session includes - free choice/play both inside and outside
  • 10:30 -11am - Snack time (group or snack bar)
  • 11:15am Tidy up time
  • 11:30am - Group time
  • 11:50am - Story/singing time
  • 12:00pm - Home time/lunch time/children arrive
  • 12:30pm - Children arrive/home time
  • 12:35pm - Register
  • Session includes - free choice/play both inside and outside
  • 2:00 - 2:30pm - Snack bar
  •  2:30pm - Tidy up time
  • 2:45pm - Group time
  • 3:00 - 3:30pm - Home time/Story and singing time


  • 8.50am - Staff huddle
  • 9:00 - 9:30am - Children arrive and self registration/free flow play inside
  • 9:30am - Circle time -  register, show and tell
  • 9:45am - Free play inside
  • 10:15am - Toileting
  • 10:30am - Snack time
  • 11:00am - Singing/toileting/check garden
  • 11:10am - Free play - outside
  • 11:40am - Group time
  • 11:50am - Story/toileting
  • 12:00pm - Home time/children arrive
  • 12:05pm - Lunch time
  • 12:30pm - Children arrive/home time/self registration/free play inside
  • 12:35pm - Register/singing
  • 12:45pm - Toileting/sleep/quiet time/check garden
  • 1:15pm - Free play – outside
  • 1:45pm - Group time/toileting in groups
  • 2:00pm - Snack time
  • 2:30pm - Toileting/free play – inside
  • 3:00 - 3:30pm - Home time/story time/show and tell


Snack and Lunch Times

We are pleased to announce our Pre-School has been awarded the Healthy Pre-School award in April 2011.

Our Pre-School regards snack and meal times as an important part of the Pre-School session/day.  Eating represents a social time for children and adults and helps children to learn about healthy eating. 


At snack time we aim to provide the children with a wide variety of healthy and nutritious food including fruits, vegetables and exotic fruits. 


Semi-Skimmed, pasteurised milk or water will be provided for the children at snack times unless parents/carers specifically request otherwise.  Diluted fruit juice is provided alongside Semi-Skimmed, pasteurised milk or water for the children at lunch times unless parents/carers pack alternative drinks.  If parents/carers pack alternative drinks we will decant them into cups for the children to drink from. 


We meet the children’s individual dietary needs and preferences, including any allergies; please ensure you inform us of any such allergies.


Fresh drinking water is constantly available for children.  We inform the children about how to obtain the water and that they can freely access it at any time during the session/day.


For a period of time during free play children independently choose when they would like to come to the table for their snack and drink.  We encourage the children to help prepare the snack using child friendly knives.

As small voluntary charge is made and please refer to point 9. Admissions and Fees, for further details.


Lunch Boxes

Parents/carers are encouraged to provide packed lunches that are well balanced and healthy for their children, Phase Five Pre-School will provide parents/carers with leaflet giving suggestions of lunches and Pre-School guidelines before their child has lunch at Pre-School.  Staff sit with children to eat their lunch so that mealtimes are a sociable occasion.

As part of our commitment to a Healthy Pre-School we provide children with a range of diluted fruit juice, water and milk to drink at lunch time. 


Due to a number of allergies Phase Five Pre-School is a nut free school on both sites.

Uniform Oder Form.pdf
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